A message from Heaven

Today is a very difficult day for me.  It’s my daughter’s Angelversary.  She died quite unexpectedly and tragically 9 years ago today.  She was only 3.  Her (and my) story can be found here:  Be With Me, Just For Today.

That is not why I am posting here today, though.  For it was in the experience of her death and the time since, that I became a true student of spirit.  It was what catalyzed this journey and sent me down this path.  I’ve had so many amazing experiences and encounters with spirit in the past 9 years that I know without a doubt our energy, soul, essence, whatever you wish to call it, lives on.   In time, I will write about them here.

One of the things Meg’s death led me to do was to become an Angel Card Reader.  I know she is not an angel, but rather a spirit child now.  Wise beyond her years here on earth and fulfilling her mission, just as I am trying to fulfill mine.  Connecting with angelic energy and the spirit world is a gift for which I have a depth of gratitude that is, at times, difficult to explain.

As I looked through my many card decks to select one to use for a self-reading today, I chose to pull a card from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Card Deck.  It is probably my most favorite deck and the one I use the most.  As I shuffled, I asked if there were any messages from Heaven today for me.  If there is ever a day I could use one, it would be today.

As I was about to shuffle the cards again I literally stopped with my hand in the air, cards poised to shuffle because I heard a ‘STOP!’ in my mind’s ear and suddenly felt strongly compelled to turn over the current top card.  Can you guess which one it was?

hello from heaven

I kid you not.  It was the ‘Hello from Heaven’ card!  I pull this one fairly often and always when I most need to see it.  Could there have been a more direct answer to my question?  I smiled and thanked my daughter, the Angels and my grandparents on the other side for I know they are all letting us know they are OK and they are with us.  This card was not just for me, it was for my family and perhaps for you.  I wouldn’t be sharing it if there wasn’t someone out there who also needed to read this post today.

Some would say it’s coincidence.  I stopped believing in coincidence a long time ago.  I believe it really is a hello from Heaven.

To further my conversation with Heaven, I chose 3 cards from the Talking to Heaven Deck that Doreen Virtue created with James Van Praagh.  It’s more of a conversational deck.  If you have not seen it, I recommend you check it out.  It’s a beautiful deck and a wonderful gift to anyone who has lost a loved one.  You don’t have to be a card reader to use it as it is for anyone.

The three cards I drew were:

dec 18 reading

“As a soul, I can be in several places at once” – A message to everyone who Meggie loved that she is with them all today and every day.  The white Unicorn is all purity, love and innocence.  A call to listen to our intuition and connect with spirit and source.  Oh, and for the first time ever, I actually dreamed of a Unicorn last night!

“Life is a series of choices.  Choose love.”  I say this all the time.  Choose love.  It’s all about love.  One of Meggie’s signs to me are heart clouds.  I see them often.  I saw several on Monday while I was driving around for work.  There is not a cloud in the sky here today right now but she sent one, make that two, anyway, via this card.

“It was my time to go.”  While this is not at all comforting when someone else says it to me, I do honestly believe it was her time to go.  I also believe both her and I knew it on a spiritual and unconscious level.  It doesn’t make the pain of her loss any less, but it’s a validation of sorts to what I feel to be a truth I cannot explain.

For those who believe in the power of oracle cards and messages from spirit, I know you ‘get’ it.  For those who do not, I offer this post to you for what it is.  For me, validation and comfort on a very emotionally difficult day.  Spirit is a wonderful thing.


About studentofspirit

I am a mom of three. Two amazing growing boys and one beautiful angel. As a student of spirit I am a Reiki Master, Advanced Angel Card Reader, Intuitive energy healer and grief mentor. My calling is to help others along their path so that we may all find love, light and peace in our lives. I am also a PT and have a passion for teaching others everything from CPR and home safety to preparing for birth to working with crystals and spirit. In my spare time, I ballroom dance with the love of my life. Writing is my therapy. Namaste.
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1 Response to A message from Heaven

  1. caree says:

    Thank you for the “hello from heaven”. I am one of those readers this card was meant for. Your daughter’s angel day was supposed to be my daughter’s birthday but she was born 3 days ahead of schedule. Her angel day is 16th July, 2013. She has only been in spirit for 5 months although sometimes it seems so much longer. This will be our first christmas without her. I like your work and I would also like to develop my psychic and medium abilities. With inspiration from people like you, I’m working on it. Thanks again 🙂

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