
Do you believe in signs?  You know, signs from the other side, from deceased loved ones or from spirit?

I do.  In a forum like this, I know I am in good company.  In other forums and in most of my everyday life, not so much.  Does it matter?  I don’t think so.  If it brings you comfort, that’s all that matters!

So how do we know we’ve received a ‘sign’?  My personal opinion is that if you think it’s a sign, it is.  Don’t over think it.  Especially if you didn’t ask for one!  What I’ve learned is that asking for specific signs (as in ‘if you are here make the light flicker’) doesn’t always work. At least not instantaneously.  Sometimes, you don’t realize a sign is a sign until you see it repeatedly or in retrospect, especially when deep in grief.  Other times, there are perfectly random and yet much needed hellos from Heaven, when you need them and without looking for or asking for them. Those are my favorite!

Most people consider specific and certain images or things like feathers, animals, number series, songs, or smells to be signs from the other side.  Some people literally see spirit as orbs or beings of light or even in human form.  They may receive thoughts or images in their mind’s eye that are not their own.  Although signs can be almost anything, anytime, anywhere.  They are most often associated with someone you knew personally and have significant meaning to your relationship with them.

For me, it’s hearts.  At first, a heart cloud.  First noticed in the days after my 3-year old daughter suddenly and unexpectedly died.  In fact, today is the 9th anniversary of her wake.  On the day of the winter solstice.  The day of turning from darkness to light.  That could be an entirely separate blog post!

Over the years, I’ve seen probably hundreds of heart shaped clouds, rocks, leaves and random heart shapes everywhere.  I often see or notice them on specific or difficult days like birthdays and anniversaries and mother’s day.  I also see them randomly.  I saw several this past week, before her anniversary day.  Unfortunately they were all while driving so I was unable to photograph them.  I pulled an oracle card with a heart cloud on it the morning of her angelversary as it was cloudy here. She found a way to send me a heart! Later that day the sun came out and I saw 3 very fleeting, but very definite, heart shaped clouds when I randomly happened to look out the window for no specific reason.

May 4 2013 day after gram died

This one was the day after my grandmother passed. See the tiny little heart above the big one? I think Meggie was teaching Nana how to make heart clouds!


Seen on Mother’s Day, at the cemetery.


At one of her twin’s soccer games, right near their birthday.

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Sometimes, she appears as an orb in photos.  There are 4 in particular I love.  Two involved Christmas tree decorating and two the day I re-married.  Oh, there was a heart cloud that day, too!  Say what you will about reflection or refraction of light in photography, an orb is an orb and I believe a sign of spirit’s presence.

Big Meggie orb christmas Meggie christmas orb wedding orbs Kim_Joe_015

The morning after her angelversary, I received a message from Meghan from a psychic medium friend.  In it was a message about a white car and to be alert.  Later that day, I was visiting a client’s home.  It was a new client.  When I walked in, a little white dog enthusiastically greeted me, jumping and running in circles and dancing around with all sorts of puppy glee.  She was cute.  I thought I heard them say “Meggie, get down.  Come on Meggie, leave her be.”  I asked what the dog’s name was.  Yep, I heard right.  Her name was Meghan.  They called her Meggie because it was cute and they liked it.  She was only 6 months old.  Coincidence?  You might say so, but I don’t believe in coincidence, so I smiled and said a silent thank you for the validation she was near.  Not a white car, and perhaps not at all related, but a wonderful sign just the same!

Over the years I’ve had many other signs my loved ones on the other side are near.  Many from Meghan and many through her surviving twin brother, especially in the first months and years after she died, but even now, occasionally.  He sees her, channels her at times and receives message and is amazingly psychically gifted himself.  I’m pretty sure my youngest nephew also plays with her across the veil.

What signs do you receive?

About studentofspirit

I am a mom of three. Two amazing growing boys and one beautiful angel. As a student of spirit I am a Reiki Master, Advanced Angel Card Reader, Intuitive energy healer and grief mentor. My calling is to help others along their path so that we may all find love, light and peace in our lives. I am also a PT and have a passion for teaching others everything from CPR and home safety to preparing for birth to working with crystals and spirit. In my spare time, I ballroom dance with the love of my life. Writing is my therapy. Namaste.
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