Crystal of the Month: Angelite

Angelite is one of my favorite crystals.  It’s a beautiful blue stone with white speckles.


It reminds me of Mother Mary and snowflakes.  I refer to snowflakes as kisses from Heaven. I have several pieces of angelite including a tumbled pocket stone, a heart shaped one and a double terminated pendant.

Angelite’s energy is soft, loving, calming and you guessed it, angelic.  It is a stone for the higher chakras including throat, third eye and crown.  It’s a peaceful stone and a favorite for connecting with spirit guides and the angelic realm and if often useful for astral travel. It is a wonderful stone for helping you to speak your truth and communicate effectively.  It is a powerful healing stone.

It is a wonderful stone for alleviating stress and bringing about balance, compassion and understanding.  It’s a great stone to meditate with or wear.  Just holding it brings about a sense of calm and understanding of things greater than yourself.

Angelite is definitely a stone of the angels and perfect for this time of year.  Consider it as a gift for someone you know or perhaps, even for yourself!


About studentofspirit

I am a mom of three. Two amazing growing boys and one beautiful angel. As a student of spirit I am a Reiki Master, Advanced Angel Card Reader, Intuitive energy healer and grief mentor. My calling is to help others along their path so that we may all find love, light and peace in our lives. I am also a PT and have a passion for teaching others everything from CPR and home safety to preparing for birth to working with crystals and spirit. In my spare time, I ballroom dance with the love of my life. Writing is my therapy. Namaste.
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